
Interest Level: Ages 4-8
Guided Reading Level:
Lexile Level:
Book ISBN:
The Magic Pot is a folktale from China about a hardworking woodcutter and his wife. The story, retold by Pleasant DeSpain, describes how the poor woodcutter stumbles upon a magic pot lying by the side of the road. It's a beautiful pot that could be useful for the woodcutter so he places his axe inside the pot and then straps it on his back to take home from the forest. When he arrives home, his wife discovers that the magic pot can duplicate anything placed inside it and they become overwhelmed with joy over their good fortune.
When the poor woodcutter discovers the magic of the pot he thinks that all of his troubles are over. But he and his wife soon find that their troubles are just beginning and if he is going to survive his new found good fortune he has to act quickly. The Magic Pot is an amusing tale that provides valuable life lessons in character values. These practical character values include caring for others, sharing, and being resourceful while also exercising good citizenship in the community.
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